Friday, 27 February 2009

The Language of L I F E

The Language of L I F E

Fascinating; Being Meaningfully Intentional; Purposeful; रेस्पोंसीबले and So

Much More of Wisdom & The Very Finest of Virtues & Aspects of

This Wonderful L I F E

The Language of LIFE

The language of life encompasses the very most priceless virtues and aspects; and yet very much more that regardless of how much is extolled or praised and discovered, there is yet so much more


This right away brings a question that is one able to realize one’s higher purpose in one’s lifetime as well as accomplish various meaningful goals and objectives that we as human beings have been destined to accomplish please?


The discovery process relating to so many aspect is so vivid; intense; prolonging; extending; encompassing and fascinating that when we come to know so much more of the aspects that we did not know previously; we are amazed but are also humbled that indeed we have a greater role in this wonderful life that just going through the motions methodically - conventionally

(of course with all due respect to methodology and conventionality; the point here is to seek to go that extra mile for life; for the welfare and development of the Universe consistently since when we discover a certain aspect, we share it for the meaningful benefit and constructive progress of our Wonderful Universe

Take - Leave

Like it is repeatedly mentioned time and again; that what we get - we get from here - what we take - we take from here but when this journey of life is completed and our Soul continues on its noble pathway of self realization, there is nothing that we can take along with us; everything - absolutely everything remains very much here

But Yes Wonderfully

But very much yes and very wonderfully; what accompanies us; is our deeds; the thoughts and actions; the goodness that we did in this lifetime; this accompanies our Soul

Treasures - Gifts

The very most precious of gifts and priceless treasures are our in this life; we have so much with us; the very finest intellectual faculties and abilities that we would be amazed once the realization dawns

The Purpose

Do you have your view points that you would wish to share regarding this extremely interesting subject please; as to what you perceive;

Enhance the Scope of Life

What you think could enhance the scope of each and every aspect of life; even if this might be the simplest or the most complex

Establish Meaningful Communication

this is not putting forth my point of view alone; it is seeking to establish a meaningful platform and stimulate a dialogue relating to a very interesting aspect of life


Each aspect of life is fascinating; where we discover so much more meaningfulness regarding various aspects


What is your perspective regarding these please?


It would be enriching to acquaint ourselves with more information that relates to the captioned please, thank you

Certainly The Very Most Pivotal Aspect – The Very Most Paramount & Predominantly Precedent Aspect of Life

There is certainly one of the very most important aspects of life, which relates to non violence in thoughts; speech and action – where there is complete-total refrainment from violence or any aspect related – associated with violence


Life encourages us to take every Step in Life with Meaningful Intentions, Considerate, Purposeful & Responsible Actions

It is L I F E we L I V E for

Learning; Inspiring; Fulfilling; Expectations

S t e p s - Meaningful; Purposeful & Responsible Steps


Life encourages us to take every Step in Life with Meaningful Intentions, Considerate, Purposeful & Responsible Actions

It is L I F E we L I V E for;

Where there is L O V E, there is L I F E;

Where there is L I F E; there is L O V E & H O P E

S t e p s - Meaningful; Purposeful & Responsible Steps


L for Learning

I for Inspiring

F for Fulfilling

E for Expectations


Learning; Inspiring; Fulfilling; Expectations

Live Life Meaningfully, Purposefully & Responsibly

A Meaningful Vision of Peace, Faith, Hope, Compassion, Love, Wisdom, Noble Values, Moral and Spiritual Principles & The Very Finest and Noble Virtues of Life

Virtues of H O P E

Hope encourages faith, fortitude, prudence, temperance and wisdom

· Faith – The Trust, The Belief

· Fortitude – The purposeful and meaningful persistence

· Prudence – The meaningful moderation

· Temperance – The abstinence from certain aspects meaningfully

· Wisdom – The power of knowledge; being aware; being insightful meaningfully; being aware of the various aspects of Humanity, Life, Morality, Nature & Spirituality

Way - Purposeful & Meaningful Way

It is considered that where there is H O P E; there is a way; a Purposeful and Meaningful way envisaged

The Miracle of Hope

Hope empowers the person extending the virtue of Hope; as well as the person receiving the virtue of Hope

Universal Welfare, Development, Stability and Happiness for One and All

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina; Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina

May One and All be Happy

May One and All have well-being

May Happiness be showered on all

May One and All be Healthy

O Lord Protect us

O Lord Guide us

O Lord Grant us Wisdom

O Lord Lead us from darkness to Light (From ignorance to Knowledge)

O Lord May there always be Universal Welfare, Happiness & Development


Let us always pray to God to fill the World with a Vision of Happiness; Development; Stability; Knowledge and Wisdom


May One and All be Appreciative; Grateful and Thankful


May Happiness be showered on One and All; May One and All be Healthy;


May One and All be Loved & Respected; May One and All have Well-being


May One and All realize that their Happiness is linked to others Happiness;


May One and All recognize that when the World is Happy, they are Happier;


May One and All discover the true meaning of Life is that Life is Precious


May One and All be Resourceful & Talented; May One and All Achieve and Excel;


May One and All be Considerate; Creative; Meaningful; Purposeful and Responsible;


May One and All Love Nature; The Environment & Humanity;


May One and All Respect One Another; May One and All Inspire One Another;


May One and All realize that they each have a very meaningful and special purpose in Life;


May One and All believe that they are the precious Gems of this Universe;


May One and All realize that Life is Beautiful; Precious, Meaningful and Purposeful;


May One and All be a Symbol of God’s Loving Love and Light; Radiating Joy for others;


May One and All be Blessed with Happiness, Prosperity and Progress


Universal Appreciation; Happiness; Consideration; Compassion; Respect; Peace; Love; Cooperation; Inspiration; Gratitude; Economic Development, Stability; Prosperity & Progress

Best Wishes,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind – type of responsibilities; representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions; errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever.

In no event whatsoever shall the featuring of this post or dissemination of any concerned/related details make me responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon or communication / propagation / transmission of the information featured herewith.


The Journey of the Soul

The Journey of the Soul

Prayers – Thoughts - Healing

Let us join together and pray for all Souls;

Thoughts - Healing

Even if this only a prayer - prayers and our thought - thoughts please;

Appreciation & Gratitude

Yet the endeavor to pray for all Souls would be tremendously appreciated and reciprocated with immense thanks and sincere gratitude please;

Yes Indeed

It certainly matters please; it certainly counts tremendously please

Prayers & Thoughts - Healing

It is known that prayers and thoughts heal; so please do kindly remember to spare a few moments please; thank you very much

The Soul

The Soul loves, lives and abides by the Truth; The Truth sets the Soul Free


Nothing belongs to us, except our Soul; from lifetime to lifetimes


The Soul is our Faithful and Loyal Companion from lifetime to lifetimes


We are privileged to recognize and live by the grace of God


Our Soul continually yearns for Self Realization – Higher Consciousness


When the realization dawns; one is left speechless; there are no words to express the magnificence of the revelation; one’s self realization

It is to be noted

When reference is attributed to realization; the denotation here is intended to connote the state in which one partially acquaints one’s self with:-

  • profound discoveries; aspects; facts; realities; details; amazements; observations; knowledge; cognitive dissonance and is continually seeking

  • venturing on a pathway that seeks to obtain as much pertinent - exhaustive – comprehensive set of relevant facts as possible and yet the discovery process continually is an ongoing process that never is completely convinced

  • since it only knows when, where and what is the realization; it is one that cannot be simply described or para phrased; it is a state and condition that is characterized principally by seeking of Wisdom and the Truth

Intellectual Perception - Intuition

Intuition is the Wisdom of the Soul

Soul Consciousness

When the Soul departs from this earthly realm to become part of the larger spiritual realm


The transformation from the physical body to the spiritual realm


When the time arrives; the Soul recognizes the call has come


The Soul commences to eventually gather all the corresponding information from the five senses

The Five Senses & The Intellect – The Mind

When we are born, we are endowed with the five senses; the sense of hearing, sight, smell; taste and touch and the intellect – the mind

The Soul Senses

When the time arrives to depart from this earthly realm; the five senses and the intellect – the mind; that were prevalent in their natural form accompany the Soul in their spiritual form

Nothing else accompanies

Nothing else accompanies; no assets; no valuables; absolutely nothing except the above and one’s deeds

  • all that an individual has perceived; committed; been acquainted with towards a state of more profound realization where the very same aspects are envisaged and understood for what they actually are;

  • where the aspect of detachment essentially prevails


The process envisaged of departing from the earthly realm regarding the five senses and the intellect – the mind;

- the ear; the eyes; the nose; the mouth; the skin; the intellect; the mind are respectively relieved of their abilities in natural form as they continue their journey onto the spiritual realm to accompany the Soul on its spiritual journey towards Soul Consciousness – Cosmic Consciousness

Repeat – Humble Request Please

Prayers – Thoughts - Healing

Let us join together and pray for all Souls;

Thoughts - Healing

Even if this only a prayer - prayers and our thought - thoughts please;

Appreciation & Gratitude

Yet the endeavor to pray for all Souls would be tremendously appreciated and reciprocated with immense thanks and sincere gratitude please;

Yes Indeed

It certainly matters please; it certainly counts tremendously please

Prayers & Thoughts - Healing

It is known that prayers and thoughts heal; so please do kindly remember to spare a few moments please; thank you very much


Life encourages us to take every Step in Life with Meaningful Intentions, Considerate, Purposeful & Responsible Actions

It is L I F E we L I V E for;

Where there is L O V E, there is L I F E;

Where there is L I F E; there is L O V E & H O P E

S t e p s - Meaningful; Purposeful & Responsible Steps


L for Learning

I for Inspiring

F for Fulfilling

E for Expectations


Learning; Inspiring; Fulfilling; Expectations

Live Life Meaningfully, Purposefully & Responsibly

A Meaningful Vision of Peace, Faith, Hope, Compassion, Love, Wisdom, Noble Values, Moral and Spiritual Principles & The Very Finest and Noble Virtues of Life

Virtues of H O P E

Hope encourages faith, fortitude, prudence, temperance and wisdom

· Faith – The Trust, The Belief

· Fortitude – The purposeful and meaningful persistence

· Prudence – The meaningful moderation

· Temperance – The abstinence from certain aspects meaningfully

· Wisdom – The power of knowledge; being aware; being insightful meaningfully; being aware of the various aspects of Humanity, Life, Morality, Nature & Spirituality

Way - Purposeful & Meaningful Way

It is considered that where there is H O P E; there is a way; a Purposeful and Meaningful way envisaged

The Miracle of Hope

Hope empowers the person extending the virtue of Hope; as well as the person receiving the virtue of Hope

Universal Welfare, Development, Stability and Happiness for One and All

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina; Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina

May One and All be Happy

May One and All have well-being

May Happiness be showered on all

May One and All be Healthy

O Lord Protect us

O Lord Guide us

O Lord Grant us Wisdom

O Lord Lead us from darkness to Light (From ignorance to Knowledge)

O Lord May there always be Universal Welfare, Happiness & Development


Let us always pray to God to fill the World with a Vision of Happiness; Development; Stability; Knowledge and Wisdom


May One and All be Appreciative; Grateful and Thankful


May Happiness be showered on One and All; May One and All be Healthy;


May One and All be Loved & Respected; May One and All have Well-being


May One and All realize that their Happiness is linked to others Happiness;


May One and All recognize that when the World is Happy, they are Happier;


May One and All discover the true meaning of Life is that Life is Precious


May One and All be Resourceful & Talented; May One and All Achieve and Excel;


May One and All be Considerate; Creative; Meaningful; Purposeful and Responsible;


May One and All Love Nature; The Environment & Humanity;


May One and All Respect One Another; May One and All Inspire One Another;


May One and All realize that they each have a very meaningful and special purpose in Life;


May One and All believe that they are the precious Gems of this Universe;


May One and All realize that Life is Beautiful; Precious, Meaningful and Purposeful;


May One and All be a Symbol of God’s Loving Love and Light; Radiating Joy for others;


May One and All be Blessed with Happiness, Prosperity and Progress


Universal Appreciation; Happiness; Consideration; Compassion; Respect; Peace; Love; Cooperation; Inspiration; Gratitude; Economic Development, Stability; Prosperity & Progress

Best Wishes,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind – type of responsibilities; representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions; errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever.

In no event whatsoever shall the featuring of this post or dissemination of any concerned/related details make me responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon or communication / propagation / transmission of the information featured herewith.


Thursday, 26 February 2009

Inspire The World

Inspire The World

Inspire the World with Wisdom in each "Thought" and "Endeavor" for Universal Meaningful Benefit and Constructive Progress Responsibly


The interest; The wisdom that we perceive in one another is the Appreciation for the very finest in Life

Global Peace, Welfare, Prosperity and Progress

Very Best Wishes always for World Peace - Global Happiness, Welfare, Dignity, Unity, Wisdom, Prosperity & Progress

Prevail / Flourish

May Global Peace, Love and Wisdom prevail always

Sincere Wishes, Hopes and Prayers

It is my sincere Hope, Wish and Prayer in each and every precious moment that all Countries; all across the World will come together to form a collaboration for the greater good of Humanity

Platform of Global Peace, Happiness, Welfare, Dignity, Unity, Wisdom, Prosperity and Progress

Where we have a platform that expresses solidarity with:-

Best and Sincere Wishes Agenda Manifesting Hopefully, Wisely and Responsibly

Universal Peace

Universal Love

Universal Hope

Universal Benefit

Universal Compassion

Universal Achievement

Universal Appreciation

Universal Inspiration

Universal Gratitude

Universal Conservation

Universal Consideration

Universal Courtesy

Universal Development

Universal Enthusiasm

Universal Friendship

Universal Goodness

The Very Best and The Very Finest Always for The World

Universal Improvement; basically each and every very Best of virtues, instances, aspects, things, thoughts, realities, practicalities, actualities, eventualities, possibilities, potentialities

- all - absolutely all of the very Best and the very Finest for Universal Benefit, Welfare, Wisdom, Prosperity and Progress

Goodness and More Goodness accompanied with Wisdom & Good Fortune for The World

All good and very best wishes for all that is of Benefit, Happiness, Prosperity and Progress of The Complete Universe consistently

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina; Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina

May One and All be Happy;

May One and All have well-being

May Happiness be showered on all;

May One and All be Healthy

O Lord Protect us

O Lord Guide us

O Lord Grant us Wisdom

O Lord Lead us from darkness to Light (From ignorance to Knowledge)

O Lord May there be Universal Peace, Happiness, Prosperity and Progress

Inspire The World Wisely and Responsibly

Inspire the World with Wisdom in each “Thought” and “Endeavor” for Universal Meaningful Benefit and Constructive Progress Responsibly”


Let us time and again; always pray to God to fill the World with a Vision of Happiness; Development; Stability; Knowledge and Wisdom


May One and All be Appreciative; Grateful and Thankful


May Happiness be showered on One and All; May One and All be Healthy;


May One and All be Loved & Respected; May One and All have Well-being


May One and All realize that their Happiness is linked to others Happiness;


May One and All recognize that when the World is Happy, they are Happier;


May One and All discover the true meaning of Life is that Life is Precious


May One and All be Resourceful & Talented; May One and All Achieve and Excel;


May One and All be Considerate; Creative; Meaningful; Purposeful and Responsible;


May One and All Love Nature; The Environment & Humanity;


May One and All Respect One Another; May One and All Inspire One Another;


May One and All realize that they each have a very meaningful and special purpose in Life;


May One and All believe that they are the precious Gems of this Universe;


May One and All realize that Life is Beautiful; Precious, Meaningful and Purposeful;


May One and All be a Symbol of God’s Loving Love and Light; Radiating Joy for others;


May One and All be Blessed with Happiness, Prosperity and Progress


Universal Appreciation; Happiness; Consideration; Compassion; Respect; Peace; Love; Cooperation; Inspiration; Gratitude; Economic Development, Stability; Prosperity &


Best Wishes,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi